Anita Rebecca's graduation cake by Rumi Cake Shop

Rumi Cake Shop

Ntinda opposite Capital Shoppers

A magnificent wedding cake by Shibz Events Ltd

Shibz Events Ltd

Namanve(Industrial Area)

A cake baked by Adonai Guesthouse

Adonai Guest House

Plot 2431 Adonai House, Lower Muyenga Lubbobbo Close off of TankHill Road

Wedding cake set up by Bloven Event

Bloven Events

Mabirizi Complex, Level 3, Room 26

A white wedding cake decorated with red flowers and golden ribbon balls, baked by NHK Home Bakery

NHK Home Bakery

Equatoria Shopping Mall Shop 313 Near Bank of Africa

A calabash inspired cake by Sarahs Cakes

Sarahs Cakes

Kampala Uganda

A fruit inspired cake from Bextar hotcakes

Bextar Hotcakes

Ntinda - Next to Mosque

A wonderful cake supplied by TEM Fashion WEAR

TEM Fashion Wear

Kampala Uganda

Tory's birthday cake baked by Danse Pastries Uganda

Danse Pastries Uganda

Kampala, Uganda

A wedding cake supplied by Moze Decoration World

Moze Decoration World

Luwum street Namaganda Plaza shop G34